To get the most benefit out of this intro course, you will want to have a better understanding of ChatGPT. Chatting with a GPT tool may seem like something you are already familiar with given all the chatbots we’ve all interacted with before, but it’s actually totally different. Knowing how to engage with it and how it “thinks” will help you use it to your advantage.
If AI is the general term for artificial intelligence and GPT is a type of AI, how is ChatGPT involved?
ChatGPT is one type of interface for humans to interact with GPT technology. You likely have experience communicating with chat bots previously, but ChatGPT is far from your typical chat bot. The answers coming from ChatGPT are unstructured and unmotivated. What you request is what determines the response no matter the topic.
Should I be concerned with what information I provide to ChatGPT?
Yes! You should never provide information that you wouldn’t want others to see later. Your requests and responses with ChatGPT are being used to train the next generation of the model so avoid using real company names or personal names, and definitely don’t include protected information.
I’ve seen some responses from ChatGPT and they are not correct.
Yep, that’s right! This tool, along with every other tool we ever use, isn’t perfect! If it were, you wouldn’t be reading this right now! 😄 Being a GPT Specialist is all about knowing how to get the results you need on a given topic.
In this upcoming examples we reference validation rules and formula fields. If you are new to these don’t worry. Just make your way through the lessons and think about the concepts instead. At the end of the course, check out Trailhead if you want to take a deeper dive on these two topics to learn the basics!