General Knowledge

General Salesforce Knowledge – Example 1

GPT was trained on big data. Because of that, it has general knowledge of various Salesforce topics. Getting information from GPT is as simple as making a request! The challenging part about this capability is GPT will also make things up. We recommend using GPT for this type of thing if you have some general knowledge on the topic already. Also keep in mind it’s missing training data after 2021!

In the example below, we’ll assume that you have some experience with either working with or have learned about Junction Objects in the past, but you need a refresher. Look how we send our request to GPT to get a quick refresher!

Using AI Force

Using ChatGPT

Our Request:

In Salesforce, what object setup do I use for a many to many relationship?

AI’s Response:

A Junction Object that’s it! Oh yeah and those Master-Detail fields are important. I’ll get it setup now.

General Salesforce Knowledge – Example 2

In our second example below, we are implementing some record type changes on a custom Purchase Orders object. We can’t remember what the “Assigned Record Type” check box option does. So, we ask GPT on the fly to get a quick response! Go ahead and give this one a try on your own with ChatGPT and see what kind of response you get. Use the copy button to grab the prompt. ChatGPT

Our Request:

In Salesforce, under profiles we have object settings. In there is assigned record types. What does this do?

AI’s Response:

That’s right. Now I remember!

These are just two really simple examples of how you can use GPT to help give you a quick refresher on topics you have questions about when delivering solutions in Salesforce. Next time you get stuck on a thought and need a quick answer, make sure to have GPT at the ready so you can get the results you need fast! But be careful! You’ll also get bad information. Learn enough to at least spot check a response or go ahead and try the recommendations on your own to verify results.