Event Sponsored by AI Force Training and Elements.cloud
14 videos • 2,452 views • Playlist
4 videos • 1,129 views • Playlist
7 videos • Playlist
Head to David Nava’s Youtube Channel to get more content from the Military Trailblazer community!
Head to IMPACT to get more exclusive content for the impact of AI on Salesforce and Org Management. I encourage you to attend the next IMPACT event as well!
Head to MARDREAMIN to get more exclusive content including AI for Salesforce Marketing. I encourage you to attend the next MARDREAMIN event as well!
Head to TalentHub and subscribe to get more exclusive content for Salesforce professionals. Ben Duncombe has a ton of exclusive interviews from the global Salesforce Ohana!
Head to Career Cast and subscribe to get more exclusive content for Salesforce professionals. Frank has a ton of exclusive interviews from the global Salesforce Ohana!
Being one of the first Salesforce GPT Certified Professionals in the world will immediately equip you with the tools needed for the new job or the next big raise!
1. Alleviate the need for more time.
2. Make more $ completing work quickly.
3. Grow your skills & build your resume.
With Virtual Instructor Video Led Training and 30+ Interactive Lessons on the AI Force Training Platform. You have access to all updates so you are prepared for AI today and tomorrow!